
Basically,I am here for no reason what so ever than to talk to you,and tell you what I am thinking.It can be entertaining,yet scary at times.

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Location: Minnesota, United States

I can be quiet,and I can be loud,as well as anywhere in between.I'm fairly outgoing,except for when I'm not.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Well, here I am. Haven't posted for 5 months. A whole semester has passed, and that is the reason I have not. This past semester has been insanely busy. I was taking 18 credits, acted in 2 plays, and worked tech for another one in between. It got to be absolutely chaotic at some points. But that is all over now, and it is summer. I decided to stay here in Roseville this summer, so I could be involved in local theatre and for many other reasons as well. Right now I'm in a community theatre production of "Taming of the Shrew". The directors concept was to put it up in a Commedia Del' Arte style, so we're having a lot of fun with masks and broad physical humor. MMMM.

The thing that's been worrying me right now, is that I haven't found a job. It's not that I haven't been looking, because I have. I just don't have one. I may have one now however. It seems that I have possibly been hired by a temp agency, so I hope to get some work through them. Oy, whatever will be will be. I just need some money.

This is the extent of my exciting life at the moment. Hopefully I'll remember to post more often on here. But I'm not promising anything.