My mind will not stay where I want it to.It keeps on running off into random corners of my intellectual world,hiding until I find it again...What am I talking about?What kinda crap am I blathering?I need to get some sleep.I think I'm going crazy...or maybe I'm just going next door and playing Halo.You can believe whatever you choose.
I went to the last Northwestern Eagles football game today.Sadly,we lost 10-14.It was fun anyways though,and the weather was absolutely beautiful today.Two friends and I walked to Caribou tonight around eleven-fifteen,only to find that it had closed at ten.That was kind of discouraging,because I was really craving a mocha.We did get some doughnuts at a grocery store though.Speaking of fatty,high-carbohydrate food, I watched Super Size Me this afternoon.That was a really good movie.It made me never want to eat at fast-food restaurant again if I can help it.Not that I actually will not go to them,I'll just understand what I'm doing to myself by going there better.
Song of the...uhh,past few minutes: The Beatles' "Eleanor Rigby"